X is for X-moments

In our life there are moments that could not be shared with anyone but have them buried deep inside our heart - invisible to everyone around us.

Just like x+y=xy, happy and unhappy moments in the process of growing up into an adult, help us to build our personality. If you have added happy moments, you grow into a healthy individual who is confident, happy, and strong at mind. If you have added unhappy moments, you grow into an individual who lacks confidence, unhappy and weak at heart. If you are lucky to go through both happy and unhappy moments, in equal shares, in your life, that will help you to be a person with a better personality who knows to manage all situations in life.

Still, there are delicate moments, an individual has to face on a day. These delicate moments may shatter their minds, smash their confidence level, and make them suspect everyone around them. Pertaining to the news that circulate in the media at present, children are not safe at levels. The present scenario is threatening and plays a spoiler that will not allow children to grow as they are and leave them hurt with pain and scars that will remain forever in their minds both at conscious and sub-conscious levels.

Time is a healer. It heals all types of wounds. If you are hurt physically, mentally, or both, time helps you to come out of that. But everyone could not lead a normal life after coming out of that pain and stress. It may leave their minds damaged and unhealthy.

One of the most painful factors that is present now in our society is being abused, physically, mentally or sexually. Children exposed to unhealthy situations in life at home or at school, grow into adults with distorted/perverted minds. Though they may appear as normal persons, those hidden devils try to come out now and then and play the role of a spoiler retarding their growth and success.


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