C is for Challenging Travels

A bright sunny day brings all the cheers. But hot scorching heat rays of sun make everyone perspire and curse the fate of being out on a day like that. Whatever it may be, I have to board a bus even on a warm, sunny morning.

While traveling inside a crowded bus in Chennai on a hot morning is hell in disguise. During peak hours there will not be any vacant seats and you must learn to stand and balance your posture whenever the bus takes a curve. Unknowingly you might have stamped on the feet of a person nearby; some people may be kind enough to accept your 'excuse me' apologies. 

Sometimes if it happens with a person who thinks you have rubbed on the wrong side, volcanic explosion of chaste words will occur. You may blush in embarrassment but she may not want to stop until you responded her. So far, the lesson you have learnt tells you to keep your mouth shut and not utter a single word even though you might be hearing filthy words doubled with anger.

Words may be your passion. You may be an author or a poetess much appreciated by the people around you. But to her it will be immaterial and you will just be a person to get chastised by her flowery words. For god sake, I have never heard such words until I came to Chennai. Words that were never heard, words that were considered dirty and vulgar will be used in a high-flown way with the slang typical to Chennai. For the first time in Chennai when I heard such eloquent language in a bus, I could not stop shivering and feeling ashamed for being there.

The lesson learned - Be deaf to those around you; a practice to keep your tolerance level high.


  1. I remember a travel day with no food available, catching the wrong train several times, and finally getting back to the hotel... as a friend says, if it's not a good time, it's a good story.


  2. Many times such eloquent language will be in Madras baashai.


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