I is for I am....

Numerous thoughts occupy my brain cells now. Am I the same person who bubbled with so much of energy three decades ago?  Am I the same person who wished everything optimistic and loved to vibe with positive energy?

Am I the same person who loved nature and the world like anything and had a heart that brimmed with excitement whenever nature captured my attention with its numerous colors and sounds?

Am I the same person who loved to be loved by all and never judged by my innocence?

Not at all. And never it is going to be.  I am now a person devoid of dreams, hope, and feelings but filled with unhappiness and short tempered who could not just stand anything that is not ethical and good.

Is it good if it is to be like that or be the person as I would be earlier.

But everything changed, when the world decided to judge me by my appearance. The people around me didn't want to look behind my thin physical structure and accept I am also a human being and I have a heart and I have dreams to live my life here.

Facing ordeals at every moment and becoming a scape-goat for others to get their wish done.  Three decades of struggles made me feel numbed at heart.

Yet, Writing came to my rescue. It helped my heart to heal and share my thoughts in the most poetical way.

 Goddess Saraswati blessed me with creative flow of thoughts and that helped me to evolve into a poet and an author.  Though I never want to become a well-known author or a poet, writing helped me to live my life as I wished and be happy forever.

Happy Writing....

Where are those thoughts
which would link you with me!
Where are those dreams
which would link you with me!
Where is the link
which would link you with me!
where are those twilight rays
far above the bright horizon
which would link you with me!
The link which linked you with me
Has it lost its identity?
Every hour dies that link
and resurrects itself in another -
A link with the nature's link
may strengthen your link with me
for that link lingers for ever.


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