E is for Everything is Good

Now also I remember those words my mother kept on repeating:

Good thoughts, Good action, Good people

These are the three things we must always wish to have with us.

It is always a blessing to live with good people, who have good thoughts and who always shun bad and do only good to others.

Whatever challenges you face in your life, good deeds, good thoughts and good people always come to your rescue.

The vibrant positive energy will always be there around you and help you to be good at any circumstance in your life.

I remember the comment once I received from an elderly person: "Too good to believe"

In this materialistic world when people wish to have a comfortable life at all levels what I tell may sound weird. But my experience has taught me always wish good and that will invite good things to you.

Lesson learned: Be good always to bring in good tidings at your side.


  1. We get out of life what we put into it and being good to others is the first step to having people be good to us

  2. Nice post. So true that what we put out into the world comes back. Surrounding one’s self with positive people is great advice.

    Letter E: https://writingiscommunication.wordpress.com/2018/04/05/eye-opener-the-space-between-bookstore-presented-by-a-to-z-100-word-stories/

  3. Wise teachings from your mother. I, too, believe that we have a responsibility to be the good we wish to see in the world, and as well embark upon this path we find more and more good, like an ever-unfolding treasure.

  4. Nice post. I liked it. Thank you fro sharing positive vibes with us. :)


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