Flying Tidings

Chirping sparrows always brought me good tidings that tell me some change is ahead in my life.

Whenever I watch and enjoy listening to the chirping sparrows at the terrace garden of my neighbor, I could not avoid feeling jealous at those little winged angels that taught love and compassion to those humans that lived along with them.

One day a female sparrow accompanied by a male sparrow flew to our balcony inspecting the new hole that her love chose to be their nest. Every day they visited inspecting the hole.  But the female sparrow rejected that place as not suitable to start their family. 

Those tiny sparrows are a pair of lovely couple that chirp constantly their love to each other.  The tall mobile towers may be a threat to their lives. It is sad to note that this powerful development in information technology has turned to be a threat to those love harbingers.  The concrete houses that are built with marbles and other luxuries, hardly have a small space for those sparrows to live.

Decades ago, the roofs of houses always provided a place for them to have their families.  The tiled roofs gave them the warmth and safety for their chicks to grow into healthy sparrows.


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