Etched in heat waves

It has been a while, we are all reeling under the heat waves of sun rays. Ultimately, we are the sole reason for this heat wave that smother every one.  Not only the humans, the birds, animals and the small insects that live on trees, trees and plants, both small and big feel the power of hot sun rays.

I don't know if it is the bad karma of the earthlings that we are paying back for all the wrong doings of our immediate forefathers.  Ancestors feared nature and so they respected nature. Nature allowed their lives to be pleasant and happy.

Now, I have a question.  We have realized that it is now our duty to leave this world a better place for our future generation.  Are we on the right track to do that? Though we all experience the bad effects of global warming that has spread throughout all countries in the globe, how long will that exist?


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